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How to Always Have More Money in the Bank this Year

If your New Year’s resolution is to save money this year, then we agree that is a great way to start a 2017. Having extra money in the bank gives you the opportunity to be flexible, prepared for a disaster, or even a surprise.

We think saving extra money is such a good idea that we put together a guide on how to help you do just that

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First, you should make a budget. You won’t be able to figure out how much money you can save if you don’t know how much you regularly spend. Try to think of everything! Your food costs, gas, spending habits on weekends, bus fares, or Limousine Service Atlanta GA saves a little money with.

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Transportation often leaves a big hole in your pocket. There’s no way around it, whether you have your own car, have payments left on it, as well as insurance, then of course gas to drive it, or if you carpool and split payment. Maybe you take professional transportation to work such as Limo Services in Atlanta GA; regardless finding inexpensive Atlanta Limo Services can help.

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NBC suggests treating your relationship with money like you would a relationship with someone else, meaning: spend time with it. Track your progress and make sure you are making weekly quotas you have set for yourself.

If you have a problem with buying too many random groceries, make a list and stick to it!

Avoid fast food while you’re out and pack a lunch instead. If you do decide to eat out, why not order water, instead of that tea or soda?

How do you save money? Fill us in and leave a comment!

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